There are 4 main characters of the Sneaky Pete’s Diner. First and foremost is Pete Fasbender. I lived and worked with Pete when I was a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin @ Stevens Point. Pete and I had numerous amazing adventures through the 2 years I was in “Point”. When returning home from a day at the college we would listen to a program on the local public radio station called Sneaky Pete’s Blues Cafe. This is how Sneaky Pete’s Diner came to be in my story. Although in real life, Pete is not a diner owner, I put a lot of Pete’s personality into his character.
Laura was a young lady that worked on the research project that I had the honor of leading for a couple seasons. She was a tough, independent woman that worked hard for the respect that she earned.
Joe Papp was also a student at the college when I was there. He was a veteran that had returned home to earn a degree. I always admired him for his strong work ethic and tireless energy.
Kim is in real life, Pete’s wife. Although I have never met her face to face, I have on occasion spoken to her over the phone. I imagine her to be a strong and caring indivdual who puts up with a lot…after all, she did marry Pete.